Milling & Reclamation

What Is Milling?
How We Do It
The Prep Work
Surface Repair
Finishing & Marking

What About Reclamation?
How We Do It
Grind & Blend (That's It)
Full-depth reclamation is a process that combines the existing asphalt, gravel base, and sub-grade materials. They are then pulverized and mixed together. Water is added to the pulverized material to achieve the proper moisture content for compaction and then the recycled material is set to grade. Next, the cement is blended in which results in a stronger, stabilized base course.
The end product is a low-maintenance, performance-improved parking lot or roadway that will last for many years.
Full-depth reclamation (FDR) uses the old surface and base material. There’s no need to haul in aggregate or haul out old material for disposal. Truck traffic is reduced, and there is little or no waste. Most importantly, recycling costs are significantly less than the removal and replacement of the old surface.
The Benefits of Milling and Reclamation
- Saves Time and Money
- Maximizes Use of Low-Cost, On-Site Materials
- Improved Density & Compaction Rates
- Minimizes Weather-Related Delays
- Drastically Increases Sub-Grade Strength
- Has Excellent Freeze-Thaw Resistance

Leading Causes of Pavement Deterioration
Our Service Areas
Our Office:
- Harrison